Jessica’s Articles

Jessica publishes occasional articles on LinkedIn and includes them on this website. Please check out topics on her LinkedIn page.

The Stacks: How one trip to the library stacks created a whole new prospect base

After the 2016 Election: A strategy reboot after the 2016 Presidential Election

Give ‘Em Something to Chew On: Advice Dr. Ken Blanchard gave to Jessica for a Board presentation in 1996

Who are you trying to reach? Check out a nontraditional, even surprising, appeal strategy to young alumni

The Question I Dislike, Part 1: Why I cannot stand “How much money have you raised?”

The Question I Dislike, Part 2: Why this question damages staff morale

Rethinking Strategy in COVID-19 Era: What does it mean to rethink everything?

Contact Jessica at (859) 684-0412 or by email, to speak with her about partnering with your organization or institution.